Donnerstag, 17 April 2014

Happy Easter!

For a few days only SAVE 15% on CPT. No excuse for not knowing your openings anymore! Train like a pro and use the promo code "chessegg" by 04/21/14.
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Comments (29)

  • Brian Smith
    24 April 2014 at 05:11 |
    Brian Smith

    I am not going to submit a support ticket for this because it is not really a bug.

    But, when I am doing a LOT of training, I will sometimes rush thru certain lines. When I do, I grab a piece...realize it is not the right move...release it...and am penalized with having to step thru the whole line again.

    Would it not be better to consider a move 'missed' by the actual movement of the piece...that is to say, putting it on the wrong square?

    • Stefan Renzewitz
      30 April 2014 at 07:50 |
      Stefan Renzewitz

      That's because Smart One-Click Move-Input is activated. Please check the section 6.5.7 of the CPT 5 manual for more details. If you don't need it you could deactivate it. Then releasing a piece on the same square won't be considered to be a wrong move. I do have plans to optimize the behaviour though.

  • Alex McNeilly
    29 April 2014 at 19:32 |
    Alex McNeilly

    Hi Stefan, Are you still considering setting up a forum for CPT? If so, when do you think this will be happening?


  • Brian Smith
    30 April 2014 at 02:31 |
    Brian Smith

    I have ideas to share...methods to compare...just waiting for the right forum to discuss.

  • Stefan Renzewitz
    30 April 2014 at 07:59 |
    Stefan Renzewitz

    Yes, the designer has done his work with updating the stylesheet of the forum component. Maybe I will release it after this weekend.

  • Jeremy Bernstein
    30 Juni 2014 at 08:02 |
    Jeremy Bernstein

    Any word on the forum update? App update? Mobile app? Anything? My yearly subscription wants to know.

    That said, I am very impressed and happy with CPT 5.04, which has been an enormous help in my tournament preparation over the past several months. Thanks for this wonderful software.

    • Stefan Renzewitz
      03 Juli 2014 at 07:44 |
      Stefan Renzewitz

      I'm working on these items and hope to finish them all this year.

      Frankly speaking I had some challenges to find time for CPT as we got a baby boy (first time father). Now, I'm getting back to a more regular base where I can work on CPT again.

      Obviously I knew that I will face some new time constraints, but I didn't expect the first 3 months to be so intensive.

      However, in first place I'm a customer and not a business man in respect to CPT. Therefore I will extend the subscription period accordingly for free if I don't catch-up till the end of this year. No additional charge till I delivered.

      Thanks for your kind words and patient!

      • Jeremy Bernstein
        03 Juli 2014 at 07:50 |
        Jeremy Bernstein

        First and most importantly, congratulations on your baby boy! Otherwise, thanks for the honest assessment of the situation and for the willingness to do right by your subscribers. Looking forward to the next batch of stuff.


      • Alex McNeilly
        19 Juli 2014 at 16:36 |
        Alex McNeilly

        Congratulations on the birth of your son, Stephan.

        • Stefan Renzewitz
          27 Juli 2014 at 13:19 |
          Stefan Renzewitz

          Thank you both!

      • Signalman
        05 August 2014 at 21:00 |

        Thanks for the update, Stefan.

        A good, well, actually a great and life-changing, reason for the delay, and a healthy response regarding future updates.

        Congratulations to all the family on the thet birth of your son !

        • Stefan Renzewitz
          05 August 2014 at 21:51 |
          Stefan Renzewitz


      • Kostas Oreopoulos
        27 Dezember 2014 at 08:22 |
        Kostas Oreopoulos

        I got a renewal notice today (on the subscription model).

        Based on what you said in this post and the complete silence on all those months, can you please inform us on what is going on?

        Thx in advance Kostas

        • Brian Smith
          27 Dezember 2014 at 17:42 |
          Brian Smith

          I do hope Stefan comes to realize that there has not been any real 'upgrades' to the product to warrant anyone 'renewing'. This whole model is suspicious. Some will, but I can't see any reason to renew mine just so he can 'fix' the occasional issue that has come up with the original release. People should service their products if they are faulty...not have people pay to service them. This is not a car that has lost it's warranty after all.

          • Stefan Renzewitz
            27 Dezember 2014 at 21:35 |
            Stefan Renzewitz

            I'm working on a solution for this with the payment provider right now. Either I will give up the subscription model or delay the first billed period. There will be an update before this year ends. If I give up the subscription model then for those, which upgraded this year January will be able to use the pro featuers of the next release, which otherwise would be only available for new CPT 5 customers.

  • Brian Smith
    30 Juni 2014 at 13:55 |
    Brian Smith

    My yearly subscription has already started whispering to me that she sees no reason to exist.

  • Brian Smith
    19 Juli 2014 at 05:40 |
    Brian Smith

    April 30 "Yes, the designer has done his work with updating the stylesheet of the forum component. Maybe I will release it after this weekend"

    That was 2 1/2 months ago...

  • Brian Smith
    27 Juli 2014 at 16:15 |
    Brian Smith

    Excellent! I can't wait to interact with other users to see...well, maybe where how I use CPT falls short of what I could be doing and basically try to get the most out of it.

  • Signalman
    07 März 2015 at 09:29 |

    Hi Stefan,

    Any news on an update to CPT ?

    I still have a ticket open for missing recall statistics from a year ago. This was expected to be fixed in a ' minor release' at the time, but nothing has showed up yet.

    While I appreciate the reasons for the delay, it would be great to see some forward movement for this excellent product !



    • Stefan Renzewitz
      07 März 2015 at 14:16 |
      Stefan Renzewitz

      Hi Signalman,

      working on the update everyday now and expecting to finally release it in April. Thanks for your patience, appreciated!


      • Signalman
        10 März 2015 at 07:09 |

        Hi Stefan,

        Great news !

        Looking forward to a 2015 CPT Easter present already :)



        • Signalman
          01 Mai 2015 at 07:58 |

          Any news on the next release ?

  • Brian Smith
    06 April 2015 at 04:20 |
    Brian Smith

    "If there is no update till April I will give-up the subscription model "

    As it is Easter 04/05/2015...I guess the subscription model is now dead.

    • Jeremy Bernstein
      08 April 2015 at 08:52 |
      Jeremy Bernstein

      If it weren't so frustrating, it would be sad. Stefan, what in the world is going on? I can't understand how software which was supposed to be updated several times last year, previously at the latest before the end of 2014, quickly and quietly revised to April 2015, simply keeps slipping, and slipping, and slipping. It's baffling. I write software for a living, too. Meeting deadlines is part of the job.

      I'm assuming that the problem is perfectionism, but since you don't share development status or release interim versions, it's anyone's guess.

      Maybe you should consider taking on a partner, or making the project open source? A few more cooks might help put things into perspective and move things forward.

      In any case, I paid for a year of updates when I updated to version 4. It's been 1.25 years without an update. As far as I'm concerned, you have violated the terms of the license which you sold to me. What do you intend to do about it?

  • Brian Smith
    24 Mai 2015 at 07:59 |
    Brian Smith

    "working on the update everyday now and expecting to finally release it in April" -

    I guess you are having another baby? It's almost June...

  • Stefan Renzewitz
    29 Dezember 2014 at 09:15 |
    Stefan Renzewitz

    Just a quick update. Today and tomorrow I will update everybody's account by setting the next subscription period to April if it is earlier. At the same time the annual subscription price wil be reduced to $9,90/9,90 EUR. As I update the subscriptions I will send-out a short email with this info to everyone affected - not everybody is reading this blog.

    • Jeremy Bernstein
      29 Dezember 2014 at 09:59 |
      Jeremy Bernstein

      Hi Stefan,

      Thanks for the information, and for the extension. I'm still not particularly happy about this solution: if the additional four months of my subscription are as eventful as the first twelve, the balance is still miserable. Before signing up for this, I expressed concerns that based on your past behavior, exactly this would happen and was assured that you were committed to "changing your ways", providing fast and regular updates to your customers. Unfortunately, this didn't happen (even small things like forum updates, website maintenance, etc. seem to move in extra-slow motion at and I see no particular reason to believe that it will change in the next four months (non-business concerns aside, hope you're enjoying the addition to your family). I understand that you consider yourself a CPT customer, not a businessman, but you are de facto a businessman by taking our money and promising something in return, which still has not yet materialized. I don't see how lowering the price of 'nothing in return' helps the situation, and you're going to have to work for my trust this time around. Sorry, that's just how it is from my perspective. I don't mean to rub salt in the wound, but I am trying to understand where my money went, and why you could possibly expect me to give you more.

      • Stefan Renzewitz
        29 Dezember 2014 at 10:27 |
        Stefan Renzewitz

        Hi Jeremy,
        I appreciate your honest feedback as usual. If there is no update till April I will give-up the subscription model. Then nobody will have paid a subscription fee and received nothing as the subscription fee has not yet become effective for anybody (and won't before April). So far only a regular fee has been paid by new customers or an upgrade fee (15 EUR instead of 39,90 EUR) for CPT 4 users to CPT 5 (which offered many new features). The latter is not 100% correct as the CPT 4 license code also works for the initial CPT 5 release, but with the next release it won't any longer. I will make sure that those, which used the upgrade offer will get access to the next update in any case.

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