Sonntag, 19 Januar 2014

Chess Position Trainer 5.04 released

This update brings back the recall mode from CPT 4 and some improvements as well as bug fixes. It is recommended to update to this new version.

  • Training: The training mode to recall all scheduled positions regardless of current opening is back and is called “Recall all”. In this case all other training options are ignored and any position scheduled for recall will be trained. It works like the filter mode, but it will automatically switch the opening if needed. The same recall mode is also available for topic training.
  • Training: the location of the window for “End of Line” hint is restored.
  • Training: Openings and topics in the “Scheduler” can be clicked. Then the training will automatically start with “scheduled only”.
  • Training: sometimes a random error happened and the training chart was showing a red cross afterwards.
  • Training: sometimes an error was shown after stopping the training / demo of a line.
  • Training: incorrect French translation for status message after a wrong move.
  • Training: hints regarding the two different recall modes were adjusted.
  • Training: long training sessions could become slower. This has been fixed.
  • Engine analysis: it is possible to define the threads and “OwnBook” parameter to let the engine use its own opening book (if available).
  • Engine analysis: mate was not correctly shown.
  • Engine analysis: hash was cleared for every analysis, which made the hash parameter useless
  • Repertoire module - Adding tabiya: you can now paste a FEN from the clipboard.
  • Repertoire module: you can now directly add a new topic to an opening.
  • Repertoire module: clicking on a move in the position explorer showed an error.
  • Repertoire module: deleting a repertoire item was not correctly shown and could result in an error message.
  • Statistic module: in some cases the application would hang.
  • Most recent file list: if loading a database fails it will be removed from the list.
  • License code is now stored in a file in the same folder as the application settings. This avoids some issues where admin rights were required for activating a license.
  • Application settings are stored in “Chess Position Trainer” and no longer in “Chess Position Trainer 4”. You might want to manually move your settings after the installation of 5.04.
  • Performance improvements for repertoires with complex topics (>500 tabiyas).

Download Chess Position Trainer 5.04

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Comments (20)

  • Signalman
    19 Januar 2014 at 15:13 |

    Just downloaded and installed...

    Unlike 5.01- > 5.03 when installed it came up with the example database and indicated that I was not licensed :(

    I exited and double-checked that I had put it in the correct place and re-started and that time it recognised my license.

    Not a huge issue, but was a bit worried for a time :)

    Mot sure if that is a bug or not.

    Looking forward to trying the fixes. Many thanks !

    • Stefan Renzewitz
      19 Januar 2014 at 15:38 |
      Stefan Renzewitz

      I've added a more prominent instruction. It is necessary to move the files from "my documents\chess position trainer 4" to "...\chess position trainer". Otherwise you have to manually load the database.

  • Carol Koeller
    19 Januar 2014 at 15:39 |
    Carol Koeller

    Stefan, thank you for providing ongoing service/support for CPT; although a total newbie with the program I do appreciate your dedication to your customers by providing regular updates!

    I have two questions:
    1. Should I print the manual for CPT4 and utilize it to learn CPT5, or wait until you have updated the manual to CPT5?
    (At 40 pages[2 sided] I'd hate to waste ink on the CPT4 manual knowing an updated manual is in the works.)

    2. Is there a way to change the look of the chess pieces? The white pieces remind me of marshmallow puff treats! (_8(I)

    • Stefan Renzewitz
      20 Januar 2014 at 21:49 |
      Stefan Renzewitz

      Hi Carol,
      I plan to release at least a beta version of the manual for CPT 5 after the next weekend.
      Chess pieces: marshmallow? haha, well, there are only two options available, which you can change in the settings. Click on the CPT icon in the top left corner and choose the menu item "settings". You will find two type of chess pieces. The only difference is the shadow.

      • Hans Nepomuk
        21 Januar 2014 at 20:15 |
        Hans Nepomuk

        Apropos Handbuch, dieses Stichwort greife ich auch gleich mal auf: Ich warte als lizensierter Benutzer nun schon seit der Version 4 auf eine deutsche Fassung. Wann ist damit zu rechnen? Außerdem möchte ich darauf hinweisen, dass in der (deutschen) Version 5.04 die Ribbons "Text" und "Insert" sowie deren Unterpunkte nicht eingedeutscht wurden. Für Sie und vielleicht auch für den Ein oder Anderen mag das banal klingen, mich schränken diese "Unzulänglichkeiten" (entschuldigen Sie bitte dieses böse Wort) aber enorm in der Nutzung dieses Programms ein.


      • Brian Smith
        30 Januar 2014 at 01:36 |
        Brian Smith

        "after" in? This week?

  • Evan
    23 Januar 2014 at 20:07 |

    If i modify the size of the navigation panel or comment panel( or any other panel)and columns within them CPT does saves that setting but when i go to the training mode and comeback to the repertoire mode that modified setting is lost and back to default....please fix this issue...thanks

  • Stefan Renzewitz
    23 Januar 2014 at 23:59 |
    Stefan Renzewitz

    Hi Evan,
    I can reproduce this incorrect behaviour for the repertoire explorer, but not any other panel. If you can provide me additional info to reproduce the issue for the other panel, this would be very helpful. Please create a support ticket then.

    • Evan
      24 Januar 2014 at 19:44 |

      I have created a support ticket with all the details.



  • Signalman
    25 Januar 2014 at 11:15 |

    When I use the " All Scheduled" option for training the schedule, I no longer see the recall info on the recall tab. This is the info about number of positions recall, missed etc...

    I will raise a call for this.

  • Brian Smith
    15 März 2014 at 16:50 |
    Brian Smith

    Let me put this out there as a possible design tweak:

    I downloaded my old repertoire from Chessbase in PGN with notes. However, when I view the repertoire, I only see the notes in the 'Candidate Moves' pane in the upper right pane. Only part of the comments are viewable because it is on one line and runs the line runs up against the edge of the program quickly.

    However, there is this nice BIG Comments section to the bottom left of the pane (right under move list when I am in Repertoire Mode) that only takes comments I enter 'from within CPT'. So, it's a bunch of wasted space for the most part.

    It seems to me that it would a more efficient use of space to have those imported comments in the larger 'comments' area that is current blank.


    • Stefan Renzewitz
      15 März 2014 at 21:29 |
      Stefan Renzewitz

      You can double-click on the comment column of the candidate move to see the complete commment.

      However, this is not the solution you are looking for. When you import a PGN file you have the option to import comments as move comments or positions comments. By default it should import positions as position comments, but maybe this setting has been changed in the past. Please verify that it is correctly set when you import the PGN file.

  • Nathan Harvey
    15 März 2014 at 23:53 |
    Nathan Harvey

    It looks like the Always Demo Line First functionality has changed from 5.0.2 to 5.0.4? It appears greyed out (but checked) when training Only Scheduled and it doesn't actually play out the position first. Is this intentional? It seems to work for Only New, though.

    It also doesn't appear to be possible to demo the lines with the new All Scheduled option? That whole ribbon menu disappears. Am I missing something here?

  • Carol Koeller
    17 Februar 2014 at 20:38 |
    Carol Koeller

    Stefan, how is the manual for CPT 5 coming along?

    • Stefan Renzewitz
      18 Februar 2014 at 09:02 |
      Stefan Renzewitz

      Hi Carol,
      I still need more time. These days I have limited access to my computer for personal reasons (a good reason, nothing bad going on here). I already covered topics in one of the blog entries. Please let me know if there is a specific area for which you would like to have more info. I will try to put something together and post it while I continue to work on the manual.
      Thanks for your patience!

      • Carol Koeller
        20 Februar 2014 at 14:58 |
        Carol Koeller

        Stefan, thank you for your reply. Nothing specific, just waiting until you have the manual ready.

      • Göran Gudichsen
        23 Februar 2014 at 19:04 |
        Göran Gudichsen

        Hello Stefan,

        On your request "Please let me know if there is a specific area for which you would like to have more info" I would like to mention:

        How to add, maintain, integrate and utilize modelgames.

        Kind regards

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